Welcome to Our Blog


For some writing in a blog may be a different experience that usual.  This blog is intended for our classroom and to help with any questions.  There are a few items to remember when writing online, they are:
*stick to the topic being discussed and give details answering the question or comment
*keep it a positive environment
*remember spelling counts and to not use slang words
*everything you write needs to be signed by you
*what you write is placed on the world wide web
*if you have questions, just ask your teacher!

We will start to use this as a tool in our class.  There will be some lessons that I post a question and ask for your thoughts.  It is different to other chat formats and each comment is posted below the previous one.  If you wish to comment on another's, just refer to their name and be detailed in what you are discussing.

Over all remember to have fun and ask questions!

Mrs. Singer
Mrs. Singer
1/6/2012 01:31:50 am

I am excited because MAPS testing starts next week! But the exciting part is we get to use our NEW COW's (Computers on Wheels)

2/10/2012 01:24:18 am

I thought the Jimmy and Ryan story was the most inspiring because he did so much to improve the lives of other people. :)

2/10/2012 01:32:58 am

I liked the Ryan and Jimmy storry because it was verry inspioring

2/10/2012 01:34:15 am

It was inspiring because he helped them get clean water and be healthy

2/15/2012 12:01:21 am

I think Ryan and Jimmy are most inspiring to me because Ryan really helped the people in Aferica and I want to help to!!!

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