Welcome to our 6th grade blog.  This year is different than past educational years.  Your student has begun the transition to middle school.  We got our lockers with combinations, have passing times, and the expectations are even higher.  I understand there will be good and bad days.  Days will be easy and hard.  Even with that, this year you will develop a variety of skills that are used in the rest of your life. 

Please remember that within our classroom and our entire staff at Lakewood is a part of your support system.  This year your parent/guardian(s) have received information on bullying.  Remember that school should be a safe place and there is no bullying allowed in our classroom or our school.

Our school’s motto this year is “Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow.”  I believe the knowledge and skills learned this year and in your upcoming years are going to allow you to be a leader of our future.  With this in mind, you are expected to take responsibility for your education and make the most of school.

Miss Morton
2/11/2011 01:11:21 am

Awesome blog! I wish my students would blog back to me on the band website!

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